Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fabric Marker Onesie

I went to a baby shower for my first friend to have a baby on purpose.  In addition to that indubitable honor, they have also earned the title of Most Will Power of Any Couple In the Last Decade because they went all 9 months without finding out if it was a boy or a girl.  I didn't realize what an accomplishment this was (see first sentence).  But apparently, this is just not done anymore.  Ooohhhh the instant gratification of our society - or some grouchy grandparent addage like that.  

Anyway, back to the gift.  In-utero, the baby's nickname was Squirt. So I wanted a onesie that had Squirt from Nemo on it.  Doesn't exist. 

Made it.  Ready? Go.

Put the pic inside a DVD case.

Dressed the DVD case in a onesie.  Used fabric markers to trace it onto the onesie.

Outlined it because it looked stupid without an outline.
Ironed the back 'cuz that's what the package said.

Eventually, baby the size of a DVD case wore it. 

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