Tuesday, January 1, 2013

IKEA RAST revamp

Bought an IKEA dresser.  It's this one.

Painted it.  Behr ultra pure white semi-gloss.  (3 coats)

Penciled on a guide for the circles using a Pyrex cover marked off with painters tape.

 Used these upholstery tacks.  It's true.  Everything I've ever read about upholstery tacks was true.  They bend like willows.  So I made pilot holes with a regular nail.  Went in like pushpins!  Sometimes!  Sometimes the wood was too hard, so I cut down the nails with wire cutters (I'm not that beefy.  You can do it.) so they were actually the literal size of actual pushpins.  Then they went in like pushpins! 

Screwed in handles.  Chose clear because I was afraid anything else in the middle of those circles would looks like boobs.  Now you can't unsee that.  Sorry!

Dresser was $35 + supplies were $16 = $51 total

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